Recommended Reading

There are many publications which relate to private service, luxury living, luxury products and the experiences of those who work or have worked in private service as well as works of fiction offering interesting insights into the world behind the green baize door.
Enjoy watching the classic Upstairs, Downstairs or more recently Gosford Park and of course, Downton Abbey. For a little light relief Jeeves and Wooster never loses its appeal, after all, a sense of humour is an essential tool for a successful butler.
For current tips and tools of the trade, we recommend The Institute of Modern Butlers monthly e-journal and The Butler Bureau's blog. But be warned we don't necessarily agree with everything that is published and protocols, etiquette and customs vary from country to country but all knowledge is valuable and we encourage our students to absorb as much as they can.
Our recommendations
- Butlers and Household Managers, 21st Century Professionals – Steven Ferry
- The Insider's Guide to Household Staffing – David M Gonzalez
- Getting Things Done - David Allen
- How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R Covey
- I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just Not You: The Real Meaning of the Sixteen Personality Types - Roger R Pearman and Sarah C Albritton
- Hotel Butlers, the Great Service Differentiators – Steven Ferry
- Australian Protocol and Procedures - Sir Asher Joel and Helen Pringle
- Debrett's Correct Form
- Debrett's A-Z of Modern Manners
- Penguin Book of Etiquette – Marion von Adelstein
- It's Not Etiquette: A Guide to Modern Manners - David Meagher
- Up and Down Stairs - Jeremy Musson
- A Butler's Life, Scenes from the Other Side of the Silver Salver - Christopher Allen
- Home Comforts, the Art and Science of Keeping House - Cheryl Mendelson
- The National Trust Manual of Housekeeping
- The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
- Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work - DVD